Bonjour Everyone,
It has been a while, but yes, I am continuing fallinginloveinparis.com Vlog/Blog, sharing my adventures and Paris experiences, but mostly thrilled to research and share French history. Everywhere I look, there is a story to tell. I am doing the research in French and considering it a long on-going French lesson. I am fixing the Vlog/Blog; I got feedback that it was difficult to use, and the most challenging is learning how to manage the site.
Three days later, I did call the Man in White! But before I called him, I went dancing with the guy on my left, which I had thought was rather dashing, and it turned out he was married and had a fascinating arrangement with his wife; all of a sudden he wasn’t so dashing.
The fellow that took me to Brunch was living with the woman sitting on his right. He assured me he was not married.
Another man that called me was absolutely adorable and younger than my youngest daughter. They like older women in France and that’s great. But that was just too young for me.
A good-looking man sitting in front of me at dinner which, after one dance whispered undying love in my ear, in a deep romantic voice, he neither asked for my phone number nor gave me his.
It had been a terrific evening; I danced all night, and three days later, I was still enjoying the thrill of it all.

Well, that left the Man in White; he spoke very little English, and we didn’t talk during the dinner, we had one lusty dance. And, at the end of the evening, he came over to me and said, “Si vous souhaitez aller à une exposition, appelez-moi.” (If you would like to go to an exhibition, call me). It wasn’t an invitation to dinner or a glass of wine or even a cup of coffee. Maybe he wanted to be friends; after all, I was an American, I was not living in Paris, and I was leaving in a few days. At least in my experience, it seems that French men and women interact in friendship more than Americans.
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